Avone Beauty Secrets

Brows Embroidery

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Avone Beauty Secrets – Avone Beauty Secrets (ABS) is the only Beauty and Embroidery Faceworks Chain in Singapore to receive recognition from the prestigious International Beauty And Health General Union of Korea.

We have been recognized for our revolutionary Embroidery Techniques which are the results of extensive research together with the International Semi-Permanent Association in Korea. Each unique embroidery technique uses different (Korean Manufactured) specialized embroidery needle blades specifically designed to enhance the delivered techniques giving amazing results.

Throughout the years, Avone have been accorded multiple awards from trusted reviewers such as Harper Bazaar’s, Singapore Women’s Weekly, Cleo, and HerWorld Singapore.

Customers choose Avone because our beauticians are dedicated to deliver a total exquisite experience at an affordable price.

Currently, Avone have 10 outlets located island-wide! So be totally confident that you will feel extremely pampered from the time you step in till the end of your session, while be feeling beautiful and refreshed after that.

Find out more at https://www.avone.sg